We encourage all McGuire families to participate in the project. The results for the McGuire surname project can be found here: McGuire Surname DNA project .
When placing your order for the testing... make sure your participant joins the McGuire surname project at the same time. By joining the McGuire Surname project, you'll receive a discounted group price on the testing.
This testing is for McGuire males only. Participants are tested for the Y-Chromosomes that are passed down by a male ancestor many thousands of years ago. These DNA markers are inherited by all the sons, grandsons, and g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-great grandsons of their ancestor.
A participant can order either the 12, 25, 37, or 67 marker test; however the higher marker tests are going to be more conclusive. The DNA tests (including prices) are described in this McGuire Surname project link: http://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=Meguire
The DNA test kits are easy to use, and absolutely painless. You rub 2 or 3 cotton-like swabs inside your mouth, place them in a plastic tube and mail them off to the lab. You can easily upgrade your DNA kit to a higher marker level later, if one wishes to.
The Family Tree DNA Test Kit
DNA test requirements
A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. Since surnames are passed down from father to son like the Y-chromosome, this test is for males taking a Y-DNA test.
Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA and acquire a new surname by way of marriage, so the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, or Y-DNA67 marker test. Females who would like to check their direct paternal line can have a male relative with this surname order a Y-DNA test.